
Authors Who Have Stuck With Me

February 06, 20251 min read

I read a fair number of books—or rather, I “skim read” many and dive deep when I see value. I don’t believe in reading every page of most books, even the great ones. Instead, I look for the one or two key insights that will stick with me a year later and focus on applying them.

That said, a few authors have had a lasting impact on me, shaping my thinking and leadership for over a decade:

📚 Authors Who Have Stuck With Me

🔹 Peter ScazzeroEmotionally Healthy Leadership came into my life when I was on the edge of burnout while serving on a church staff. It taught me the importance of leading from a place of emotional and relational health, rather than pushing through despite them. His work is transformative for leaders in both ministry and business.

🔹 Mike Michalowicz – If you run a small business, Mike’s books are essential. Profit First revolutionized how I manage my business finances, and Clockwork shaped how I keep my team focused on our most critical work—facilitating transformational thinking and conversations.

🔹 John C. Maxwell – The most published leadership expert in the world, Maxwell distills the essence of influence and people leadership. His insights are embedded in my daily work as an executive coach. I also serve as an executive member of John’s Certified Coaching Team, drawing on his wisdom regularly. But the book that changed my life wasn’t about leadership—it was The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. That book set me on a year-long journey that led to the creation of Potential 2 Results, the executive coaching company I’ve now led for a decade. 

Who are your favorite authors? Drop in the comments 👇🏼

Founder of Potential2Results

Bob Willumsen

Founder of Potential2Results

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