Career vs. Calling

Career vs. Calling

April 07, 20222 min read

Career vs. Calling

Career vs. Calling

Isn't it interesting how frequently we get identified by how we make a living? For some of you, your job title is a very clear depiction of what you do. Typically, you can answer with that and people have a pretty clear understanding of what they think you're about. The truth, however, usually runs deeper than our title. 

As an executive leadership and life coach, I spend a lot time talking to people about how this all relates to their greater purpose in life. Or what some describe as their "calling."

We throw this term "calling" around quite a bit. "I was called to teaching" or "I feel called to help cure cancer" might be something someone says to explain why they chose the job they have. 

Frequently; however, people struggle to find meaning in their career. Sometimes that's because God is nudging them to do something different. Other times it's simply because they lack vision.

I believe God wires, gifts and burdens each of us differently and that we should seek Him to explore what it looks like to submit our potential to His purposes. I also believe there is purpose under our noses we often overlook.

Sometimes we simply need to start by turning our career into a calling.

Let's start by defining career and calling. The difference is simple yet profound. A career is about you. What you are good at. What you enjoy doing. How much money you can make. Whether the job provides the amount of flexibility you'd like in order to be able to continue your favorite hobbies.

A calling, on the other hand, is about others. It's about how you can take your strengths and use them in a way to help others. It's about where you see a need in the lives of the people around you and how you can join to be a part of the solution. It's about asking the question, "If I don't do this, what if no one else does?"

A career is often about winning. A calling is about lifting others to a place they wouldn't otherwise go, personally.

The myth is that purposeful work will cost me profitable results. The opposite is actually true. 

Purposeful leadership drives profitable results.

The classic Zig Zigler wisdom rings true today..."If you help enough people get what they want, you will get everything in life that you want."

What would happen if you stopped looking at the people around you as a means to advance your career and instead saw them as an end to live out your purpose? 

🤫 P.S. You don't have to change your job to do so. 

Founder of Potential2Results

Bob Willumsen

Founder of Potential2Results

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