The 5 Cs of Confident Communication: Courage
The 5 Cs of Confident Communication: Courage
The 5 Cs of Confident Communication: Courage
As we wrap up this conversation on how to improve communication, I hope you've had the opportunity to apply the first four Cs to your interactions with others over the past few weeks. If you've missed any of them, you can check them out here.
This post is going to focus on the fifth C which is courage. Courage is a unique C in this conversation because to truly apply the other Cs, you need a good dose of courage.
It takes courage to:
✅ Want to work to improve your communication with others
✅ ️Engage with others in a new way
✅ Be curious with others. What if you find out something you don't like?
✅ Care for the person...sometimes even more than the results
✅ Be candid and possible open up some difficult conversations
✅ Create clarity when you are uncertain or you might disappoint someone
Courage is doing what we don't feel comfortable doing.
And it's important to remember that courageous people still experience fear, it's just that they do what needs to be done afraid.
The alternative is to keep getting only what we've already got.
What action could you take for a no-regret decision and have the courage to take that step?
What would the person you want to become do here? What step would they take? Who is someone you admire? Don't try to be them...just ask yourself what would they do here?
Courage is taking the next step needed and understanding you can't control the outcome.